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Disability Scholarship Programme Application 2024
Application Form – Deferral of Obligatory Service
The Deferral of Obligatory Service is governed by the Policy on DEFERRAL OF OBLIGATORY SERVICE FOR SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS.
Deferrals may be granted on the following grounds:
To pursue postgraduate studies or postdoctoral research that is aligned to the National Development Human Resource Needs of Trinidad and Tobago.
To pursue internships abroad in the medical field, in areas which are necessary for practicing medicine in Trinidad and Tobago, including the Foundation Programme.
To pursue other internships abroad which will add significant value to the Scholars ability to perform obligatory service within Trinidad and Tobago;
To pursue residency programmes and postgraduate programmes in the medical field that are aligned to the needs of the health sector within Trinidad and Tobago.
The Scholar wishes to pursue short-term employment or attachments, of not more than two (2) years, in foreign jurisdictions, which will provide requisite skills, abilities and work experience in their particular field of study, enhance the scholar's competencies and allow him/her to perform at a higher level within Trinidad and Tobago.
Certifiable reasons relating to the Scholar's medical fitness.
The Scholar requires additional time to complete the programme of study, thesis or research and/or a request for an extension of scholarship has been declined.
Supporting Documents
Review the list of required documents below. Documents are grouped according to the applicable Ground/s. Please ensure all required documents are submitted to ensure timely processing of your request. All documents are to be uploaded in PDF.
All Grounds
Official evidence of completion of the approved course of study under the Scholarship Agreement (official Academic Transcript/letter of completion/Diploma or Certificate) or Status Letter where the scholar has not yet completed.
Official evidence of Citizenship and or residency status: (Copy of relevant passport page(s), visa, Green Card, CSME Certificate. Copies of any application or responses related to the acquisition of citizenship or residency).
Guarantor Consent Form For Amending Contract Terms and Conditions. Please click
to access the form
Ground 1
Plan of study outlining the relevance of the postgraduate programme to the National Development Human Resource Needs of Trinidad and Tobago.
Official documents (Acceptance Letter) from the Institution indicating:
Course of study
Minimum period required for completion of the course of study
Duration of the course of study (Start and End Date)
A letter indicating the source/nature of financial support and a copy of any agreement/obligations under the funding arrangement. (where applicable)
Ground 2&3
A letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Health or other relevant Ministry indicating that: The residency programme is required for practising medicine in Trinidad and Tobago.
Ground 4
A letter of recommendation from the relevant Ministry indicating that:
The internship programme is required for practicing in Trinidad and Tobago; and/or
The internship will contribute to filling the need for the particular skill within Trinidad and Tobago.
Ground 5
Official offer of employment from the organisation abroad, including a copy of the Job Description and the nature of employment offered. (Please note that the period of engagement must be clearly stated.)
A document from the scholar outlining the areas that the attachment/job experience will contribute to the development needs of Trinidad and Tobago
A copy of the employment contract. (Once Executed)
Ground 6
Official medical certificates from a Registered Medical Practitioner. Medical Certificates must state:
he nature of the condition; and
The duration of the illness.
Medical certificates provided by Medical Practitioners outside of Trinidad and Tobago must be certified by a Notary Public or the Trinidad and Tobago Overseas Mission or Consulate that has jurisdiction where the Medical Practitioner functions.
Ground 7
Official letter from the Registrar/Admissions officer of the academic institution clearly outlining:
The period required to complete the course of study;
The revised completion date;
The specific courses/research to be pursued during the period of Deferral
Reasons for non-completion during the time as stipulated on the Scholarship Agreement.
Letter from the scholar indicating the reasons for non-completion of the required research.
Other Relevant Documents
Copy of application and/or approval for the extension of No-pay Leave on grounds of public policy (FOR PUBLIC OFFICERS ONLY).
Any other relevant documentation requested by the SATD for the purpose of clarifying or substantiating the request
Scholar Information
Deferal Details
Scholar Name:
Email Address
Current Institution of Study
Aberystwyth University
Adelphi University
Advanced Training Institute
Ahmadu Bello University
American University
Amherst College
Andrews University
Anglia Ruskin University
Argosy University, Washington DC Campus
Arthur Lok Jack Graduation School of Business
Aston University
Attorney General Dept.
Auburn University
Aukland University
Autonomous University of the State of Mexcio
Azusa Pacific University
Banaran Hindu University
Bangor University
Barry University
Bates College
Baxter College
Baylor University
Berklee College of Music
Birmingham Technical Institute
Blackpool & the Fylde College
Boston University
Bournemouth University
Bowling Green State University
Brandeis University
Bristaro Helicopter Ltd
Brooklyn College
Broom Field College
Brown University
Brunel University
Burwood Teachers College
Canada Coast Guard College
Capital Institute of Technology
Cardiff University
Caribbean Graduate School of Technology
Caribbean Institute for Meteorology & Hydrology
Caribbean Union College
Carleton College
Carleton University
Cauldon College of Further Education
Celia Sanchez Manduley Granma
Central Institute of Hindi
Central Office of Information
Centre for Hotel and Tourism Management
Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Christs' College, Un
Ciego De La Unica
Cipriani College of Labour and Co-op Studies
City University
City University London
City University London, Cass Business School
City University of New York, John Jay College of C
Civil Aviation Training Centre
Claflin University
Cleveland State University
Colgate University
College of Estate Management
College of Legal Studies
College of Saint Benedict
College of St. Benedict, St. John's University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado Technical College
Columbia University
Community Mental Health Hospital
Concordia University
Cooperative College
Cornell University
Coventry University
Cranfield Institute of Technology
Crown Agents Training Centre
Cultural Training Centre
Cunningham Memorial International Foundation
Cyprus Forestry College
Dalhouse University
Dartmouth College
Duquesne University
Durham University
Eastern Caribbean Inst. of Agriculture and Forestry
El Reclas De La Universidad De La Habana
El Rector de La Universidad de Oriente
Elkham Training Centre
Emile Woolf College
Emory University
European Inst. Of Business Administration
Falcultad de Ciencias Medicas
Fanshawe College
Florida A&M University
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida State University
Fordham University
Full Sail University
Furman University
George Brown College of Applied Arts & Technology
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia State University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Goldsmith's College
Gonville & Caius College
Grambling State University
Grant Valley State University
Grass Land Research Institute
Harper Adams Agriculture College
Harvard University
Heriot-Watt University
Hertford College
Hospital Fordick Childern
Howard University
Hugh Wooding Law School
Illinois State
Ilum University
Imperial College
Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine
Imperial College University of London
Indiana State University
Institue for Housing & Urban Development Studies
Institue of Hydrology Headquaters
Institute of (Taxation) Administrative Managarment
Institute of Applied Manpower Research
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
Institute of Child Health, University of London
Institute of Education, University of London
Institute of Law & Academic Studies
Institute of Law and Academic Studies
Institute of Social Studies
Instituto Superior de Ciencias. Medicas de Caraguay
Instituto Superior Minero Metalurgica
Instituto Superior Pedagogico
Instituto Supervisor de Ciencias Medicas
International Institute
International University
Jamaica School of Music
John Donaldson Technical Institute
John Hopkins University
Johnson & Wales University
Kendriya Hindi Sansthan Central Institute of Hindi
King's College University of London
Kingston University
Kuru Kuru Co-operative College
Lafayette College
Lakehead University
Lancaster University
Latin America School of Medicine
Leeds Metropolitan University
Les Roches Swiss Hotel, School of Hotel Management
Liberty University
Lincoln University Cantelbury
Loma Linda University
London College of Fashion, University of Arts
London International Film School
London Metropolitan University
London Psychiatric Hospital
London School of Accounting
London School of Business and Finance (SBCS)
London School of Economics & Political Science
London School of Economics, University of London
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
London South Bank University
Loughborough University
Louisiana State University
Loyola University
Lund University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massey University
Mausica Teachers Training College
Mc. Daniel University
Mc. Master University
Mc.Gill University
Memphis College of Arts
Mercy Hospital Des Moires
Michigan State University
Mico Teachers College
Miday University Hospital
Middlesex University
Ministry of Transport and Communication
Monroe College
Monterey Institute of International Study
Montreal Neurological Hospital
Morehouse College
Morgan State University
Mount Mary College
New School for Social Research
New York Film Academy
New York Institue of Technology
New York University
Newcastle University
North Carolina State University
North Georgia College & State University
Northeastern University
Northern Illinois University
Northumbria University
Northwestern University
Nova Southeastern University
Ohio State University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Omardeen School of Accountancy Ltd.
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Gu
Oregan State University
Oxford University
Pace University
Pal Institute of Health, Safety and Environmental
Pennsylvania State
Perkin School of the Blind
Phillips Factory
Polytechnic of North London
Polytechnic of South Bank
Pontificas Universidad Catolica Madre Maestra
Pratt university
Princess Margaret Hospital
Princeton University
Queen Mary, University of London
Queen Medical Centre
Queen's University
Radio Netherland Training Centre
Ragent University
Red River College
Regiment Band
Regional Training Centre
Rhode Island School of Design
Rice University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rollins College
Royal Academy of Music
Royal College of Surgeons
Royal Holloway College, University of London
Royal Infirmay Edinburgh
Royal Institute of Chatered Surveyors
Royal Post Graduate Medical School
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ryerson University
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary's University
San Fernando Technical Institute
Savannah College of Arts & Design
School of Accounting & Management
School of Business & Computer Science
School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds
School of Economics & Politcal Science
School of Economics - Polytechnic Institute
Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology
Shriram Bharatiya Kela New Delhi
Simon Fraser University
South Carolina State University
South Thames College
South West London College
Southamptons Solent University
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Spelman College
Springfield College
St. Andrews University
St. Edmund's College
St. Gallen
St. George's Medical University
St. George's University
St. John's University
St. Leo University
Staffordshire University
Stanford University
State University of New York
Student Accountancy Centre Ltd.
Student's Accountancy Centre
Student's Accountancy Centre Ltd.
Suffolk College of Higher Learning
Swiss School of Photogrammetry Operations
Syracuse University
Teacher's College, Columbia University
Technical University of Nova Scotia
Teesside University
Telesensory Systems
Temple University
Texas A&M University
Thames Polytechnic
The City University
The Diary Training Centre
The Institute of Social Studies
The Polytechnic of the South Park
The Sir John Cass Business School
The University of the Students Accountancy Centre
The University of Trinidad and Tobago
The University of York
Trent Polytechnic Nothingham
Trinidad and Tobago Hotel School
Trinidad and Tobago Institute for Teacher Adv.
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
Trinity College, University of Cambridge
Tropical Desk, World Met Centre
Tufts University
United Kingdom Gov't - Actuary Department
Universidad Agraria De La Habana
Universidad Catolia Madre y Maestra Santo
Universidad Central De Las Villas
Universidad de Camaguey
Universidad de Ciego de Avila
Universidad de Oriente - Santiago De Cuba
Universite Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3
University at Buffalo
University Charles De Gaulle-Lille 3
University College London
University of Aberdeen
University of Alberta
University of Arcadia
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Bangor
University of Bath
University of Birmingham
University of Bordeaux
University of Bradford
University of Breston
University of Bristol
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Cambridge
University of Carlifornia
University of Central Lancashire
University of Chicago
University of Cienfuegos
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Delaware
University of Delhi
University of Denver
University of Dundee
University of Durham
University of East Angulia
University of East London
University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Glasgow
University of Gopenhagen
University of Gottigen
University of Greenwich, Old Royal Navel College
University of Grenoble
University of Groningen
University of Guelph
University of Guyana
University of Hartford
University of High Field
University of Hull
University of Huston
University of Hutson Law Centre
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Indianapolis
University of Kansas
University of Kent
University of Leeds
University of Lincoln
University of Liverpool
University of Loiusiana at Lafayette
University of London
University of Manchester
University of Manitoba
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts
University of Matamzas
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Monroe College
University of New Brunswick
University of New South Wales, Austraila
University of Northern Iowa
University of Notre Dame
University of Nottingham
University of Ohio
University of Oklahoma
University of Otago
University of Oxford
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pinar Del Rio
University of Pittsburgh
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
University of Queensland, Brisbane
University of Reading
University of Rhode Island
University of Richmond
University of Salforde
University of Sheffield
University of Southampthon
University of Southern Carlifornia
University of Southern Florida
University of St.Thomas
University of Stockholm
University of Strathclyde
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
University of Tampa
University of Technology
University of Technology, Caribbean School of Arch
University of Tennessee
University of Texas @ Austin
University of Texas @ Houston
University of the West Indies
University of the Southern Caribbean
University of Toronto
University of Utrecht
University of Waikato
University of Wales
University of Warwick
University of Waterloo
University of West England
University of Western Ontario
University of Westminister
University of Windsor
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin La Crosse
University of Wolver Hampton
Utech State University
Utica College
Vassar College
Victoria University of Wellington
Waltham Forest Technical College
Washington University
West Kentucky University
West Virginia University
Wexham Park Hospital
Wilfred Laureier University
Wilson College
World Maritime University
Yale University
York Unviersity
Current Programme Level
Medical Fellowship
Medical Specilization
Current Programme of Study
Accounting & Financial Management (Co-op, program)
Accounting and Finance
Actuarial Science
Advanced Chemical Engineering
Advanced Chemical Process Design
Advanced Manufacturing Technology and System Management
Aeronautics & Astronautics
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Middle Management
Agricultural Technology
Agriculture and Fisheries
Air Traffic Control
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Animal Science
Applied Child Psychology
Applied Medical Sciences
Applied Meterology and Climatology
Appllied Science and Engineering
Archives & Records Management
Art General
Art History
Art Therapy
Asset Integrity Management
Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA)
Astronomy and Astro Physics
Athletic Training
Atmosphere, Ocean & Climate
Aviation - Human Factors
Aviation Meteorology
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor in Obstetrics (
Bachelor of Medicine,Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Baking and Pastry Arts Management
Behavioural Science
Bio-security and Food Safety
Biochemistry and Biology
Biochemistry and Chemistry
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Caribbea
Biological Engineering
Biological Sciences (Zoology)
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Technology
Business Administration
Business Analytics and Management Science
Business Communications
Business Education
Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Business Management
Chemical and Process Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Research
Child Care
Child Psychology
Child, Adolescent & Family Mental Health
Cinematic Arts
Civil Engineering
Clinical Analysis
Clinical Bioanalysis
Clinical Dermatology
Clinical Pharmacy, International Practice and Policy
Clinical Psychology
Coastal Zone Management
Cognitive Psychology
Communication and Media Studies
Communication for Social and Behaviour Change
Communication Studies
Community and Youth Work
Computer and Information Science
Computer Engineering
Computer Networking
Computer Programming
Computer Science
Computer Science with Management
Computer Technology
Computing and Financial Management
Conflict Analysis & Resolution
Construction Management
Corporate Law
Corporate Social Responsibility
Counselling Psychology
Counselor Education
Creative Arts
Creative Design and Entrepeneurship
Creative Writing
Criminal Law
Critical Infrastructure Systems
Cultural Studies
Curriculum & Teaching
Curriculum and Instruction
Cyber Security Systems
Deck Officer
Dental prostheses
Dental Surgery
Development Psychology
Development Statistics
Development Studies
Development, Disorders and Clinical Practice
Digital Photography
Doctor of Medicine (DM)
Drug and Substance Abuse
Drug and Substance Abuse
Early Childhood Education
Economics and Finance
Economics, Banking and Finance
Education Administration
Educational Psychology
Educational Services
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Elementary Education
Emergency Medicine
Energy and Earth Resources
Energy Studies
Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Law
Engineering Asset Management
Engineering in Mining
English Language and Literature
Enviromental & Occupational Health & Safety
Environment Law
Environment Studies
Environmental and Natural Resources Management
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Health
Environmental Management
Environmental Science
Environmental Science and Sustainable Technology
Etheromusicology/Social Anthropology
Exercise Science
Family and Consumer Science
Family Studies
Fashion Design
Fashion Merchandising
Finance Planning
Fine Arts
Food and Beverage
Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages
Foreign Service
Forensic Audit and Accounting
Forensic Science
Forensic Science
Gene Isolation & Characterization
General Education
General Science
General Surgery
Geographical Information Management & Application
Geological and Geophysical Engineering
Global Studies
Graphic Design
Health Information Systems
Health Science
Healthcare Administration
Hindi Language Proficiency
Hospital Administration
Hotel and Hospitality Management
Hotel and Tourism Management
Human Biology
Human Kinetics
Human Medicine
Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Management
Human Rights and Gender
Hygiene and Epidemiology
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Industrial Design
Industrial Electricity
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Psychology
Information Technology
Infrastructure and Utility
Infrastructure Planning and Management
Insect Pathology
Interior Design
Internal Medicine
International and Sustainable Business
International Business
International Business Logistics
International Relations
International Tourism Management
International Trade Policy
International Trade, Procurement & Logistics
Internet Systems & E Business
Laboratory Technology
Land Surveying
Leadership & Management
Leadership and Govenance
Legal Education Certification (LEC)
Legal Studies
Legislative Drafting
Liberal Arts
Library and Information Science
Library and Information Studies
Library Studies
Life Sciences
Literature and Applied Hindi Linguistics
Management Accounting
Management Information Systems
Management Studies
Managerial Economics
Marine Biology
Marine Conservation
Marine Geoscience
Massage Therapy
Materials Engineering
Mathematical/Economic Modelling
Mathematics & Physics
Measurement and Evaluation
Mechanical Engineering
Media and Public Relations
Media Studies
Media, Culture and Communications
Mediation Studies
Medical Administration
Medical Assisting
Medical Biophysics
Medical Imaging and Radiophysics
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Library Studies
Medical Physics
Medical Residency
Medical Technician
Mental Health
Modern Epidemiology
Modern Language & Economics
Modern Studies
Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases
Motion Pictures
MPhysics with Theoretical Physics
Music Therapy
Normal and pathological physiology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Therapy
Oil and Gas Law
Oil and Gas Management
Oil, Gas and Energy Policy
Operational Research and Risk Management
Operations Management
Organizational Psychology
Organizational Sciences
Orthodox Theology
Paedriatric Nursing
Palliative Care
Park & Recreation
Park and Recreation Management
Pasture Utilization
Pathobiology Specialist Program
Performance Making
Performance Measurement Systems
Pesticides & Toxic Chemicals
Petroleum and Mineral Management
Petroleum Engineering
Petroleum Geophysics
Petroleum Geoscience
Petroleum Geoscience
Petroleum Law
Petroleum Law & Management
Petroleum Law & Policy Management
Petroleum Management
Pharmacy Dispensaries
Physical Chemistry
Physical Education
physical Oceanography
Physical Therapy
Physics and Electronics
Plant Engineering
Plant Pathology & Entomology
Political Science
Poverty and Development
Practical Filmmaking
Practical Filmmaking
Process Automation
Procurement and Contract Management
Product Design
Project Management
Property Administration
Property Assessment
Property Management
Property Valuation/Estate Management
Public Administration
Public Health
Public Sector Governance and Reform
Public Sector Management
Quantity Surveying
Radio and Television Servicing
Real Estate
Recording Arts
Rehabilitation in Health
Religious Studies
Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
Research Molecular Endocrinology
Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Evaluation and Mangement
Risk Management
Risks Crisis & Disaster Management
Robotics and Control Systems
Science & Aviation
Science and Technology
Science and Technology Policy Studies
Service Management and Design
Social Policy
Social Policy and Development
Social Psychology
Social Research Methods/Social Research and Evaluation
Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Social Sciences
Social Work
Software Engineering
Soil Science
Special Education & Rehabilitation
Speech and Language Pathology
Sport & Physical Education
Sports Management
Sports Medicine
Sports Psychology
Sports Science
St Georges's Medicine
Statistics, Economic & Finance
Strategic Procurement Management
Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
Structural Engineering
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Energy
Technology & Metallurgy
Technology Education
Technology Management
Technology Science
Test 2
Testing, Measurement & Evaluation
Theatre Arts
Tourism Management
Trade Law
Traffic Engineering
Transfusional Medicine
Translation Studies
Urban and Regional Planning
Utility Engineering
Valuation Science
Valuation Surveying (General Practice)
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Science
Visual Arts
Visual Communication
Visual Illustration Design
Watershed Management
Web Design
X-Ray Technology
Youth Guidance
Scholarship Currently Awarded
Additional Advanced Level Scholarship
Advanced Level Scholarship
Allied Health
Architecture (Special Tuition Scholarship)
Ato Jabari Boldon Award
Canadian International Development Agencies
Caribbean Union College Awards
Caricom/Cuba Scholarship Programme
China (CSP)
China Scholarship Council
Commonwealth - Australia
Commonwealth - Canada
Commonwealth Malaysia
Commonwealth United Kingdom
Commonwealth-New Zealand
Cuban Scholarship Programme
Development Needs Scholarships
Forensic Sciences Scholarships
Governments of Japan and Chile Scholarship
Hindi Scholarships (Government of India)
Land Surveying Awards - 1983
Library and Information Science
Medical Fellowship/Subspecialties
Meteorology Scholarship
Mexico Scholarship Programme
Netherlands Fellowship Programme
OAS China
Offer of Scholarships by the Government of Australia
Open Advanced Level Scholarship
Organisation of American States
Partial Tuition Scholarships (Grenada)
Post Graduate Scholarships
President Medal Advanced Level Scholarship
Production Sharing
Real Estate Management
Real Property Administration, Assessment and Management
Real Property Management
Scholarship Offered by Illinois Institute of Technology (Partial)
Scholarship Offered by the Government of Columbia
Scholarship Offered by the Government of Indonesia
Scholarship Offered by the Government of Turkey
Scholarships in Forestry
Scholarships Offered to Nationals of Grenada
Serbian Scholarships
Social Services Award
Social Services Award
Sports and Youth Development Award
Teacher Training Scholarship(Ministry of Education)
Tourism Scholarship (Italy)
Trinidad and Tobago Commonwealth
TT Commonwealth and Fellowship Plan
Urban and Regional Planning
Valuation Surveying (General Practice)
Ground for Deferral
(Please reference the Instruction Page for appropriate ground)
Have you completed your programme of study?
Have you applied for a deferral of obligatory service before?
Deferral Start Date
Deferral End Date
I hereby acknowledge that should I choose to repay or breach my scholarship agreement, interest will incur from date of first payment including period of deferral . I confirm that the information provided above and all the attachments are true and correct. I acknowledge that any false information provided or any relevant information deliberately withheld, may result in the immediate termination of my deferral.